Eva Barešová – mediace, pomoc při řešení sporů

price list

NON-COMMERICAL MEDIATION (family, community)

  • Czech, ranges from 1200 CZK per hour
  • English, ranges from 1600 CZK per hour


CIVIL MEDIATION (joint property, workplace…)

  • Czech/English ranges from 2000 CZK per hour



  • Czech/English ranges from 3000 CZK per hour


It is customary that parties share the costs of the mediation equally, unless they agree otherwise.

A mediation session generally lasts three hours. The number of mediation sessions depends on the depth and complexity of the conflict. If you discover during the process that mediation does not suit you and you do not want to continue, only the hours already spent on mediation will be invoiced, up to and including the last hour commenced.

I usually conduct mediation in tandem with a colleague. The mediator pair provides a richer dynamics and more varied view of your situation.

If you are unsure how to approach the other party and invite them to mediation, or if you need any further information, feel free to contact me by email or telephone.

„The Chinese character for crisis is composed of two ideograms: one represents danger and the other represents opportunity. This symbol reminds us that we can choose whether we turn crisis into an opportunity or a negative experience.“

/ Virginia Satir